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Union Find Data Structure

The Union Find data structure has mainly 3 operations: - MakeUnionFind(\(S\)) - set up singleton components \(s, s\in S\) - find(\(s\)) - find the component that contains element \(s\) - union(\(s,s'\)) - merge two components \(s\) and \(s'\)

Basic Setup (or Notations)

Let us consider a set \(S\) partitioned into the components \(\{c_1,c_2,...c_j\}\) with only a single element \(s\in S,\) i.e., each \(s\) belongs to a single component


Naive Implementation

  • Let us assume \(S=\{0,1,2,...,n-1\}\)
  • Create a dictionary component

  • Now for the function MakeUnionFind(S) - Set component[i] = i for each \(i\in S\)

  • For the function find(i) - return component[i]

  • And for the function union(i, j) - set all the \(s\) from the component \(i\) to \(j\)
class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self):
        self.component = {}

    def MakeUnionFind(self, S):
        self.component = {i: i for i in S}
        self.n = len(S)

    def find(self, i):
        return self.component[i]

    def union(self, i, j):
        c_old = self.components[i]
        c_new = self.components[j]
        for k in range(self.n):
            if component[k] == c_old:
                component[k] = c_new

A better Implementation

As we saw above, the union function was inefficient.

So to improve that, we could create two more dictionaries members and sizes, where members[c] = list of all members of the component c and sizes[c] = len(members[c])

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self):
        self.component = {}
        self.members = {}
        self.sizes = {}

    def MakeUnionFind(self, S):
        for i in S: 
            self.component[i] = i
            self.members[i] = [i]
            self.size[i] = 1
        self.n = len(S)

    def find(self, i):
        return self.component[i]

    def union(self, i, j):
        c_old = components[i]
        c_new = components[j]

        if self.size[c_old] > self.size[c_new]:
            return union(self, j, i)

        for k in members[i]:
            self.components[k] = c_new
            self.size[c_new] += 1

        self.members[i] = []
        self.size[c_old] = 0

Time Complexity

Basic Implementation

The time complexity of the funtions are: - MakeUnionFind - \(O(n)\) - find(i) - \(O(1)\) - union(i,j) - \(O(n)\)

A Better Implementation

The time complexity of the funtions are: - MakeUnionFind - \(O(n)\) - find(i) - \(O(1)\) - union(i,j) - \(O(\text{size(Smaller Set)})\) - Average Cost of \(m\) union operations - \(O(m\log m)\)