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Minimum Cost Spanning Tree

Sometime there may arise a case that we want to limit cost on a resource but want the graph to remain well-connected.

For example, suppose a fiber connection company wants to connect \(n\) cities and they want to use the lowest amount of optic cable to be utilised.

The solution to this kind of problems is Minimum Cost Spanning Tree.


A minimally connected graph is called a Spanning tree.

Important Notes on Spanning Trees

  1. Removing an edge from the tree disconnects a graph
  2. Adding an edge to the tree forms a loop.
  3. There can be more than one spanning tree for a graph
  4. A tree on \(n\) vertices has exactly \(n-1\) edges
  5. In a tree, each vertex is joined by a unique path.


We choose the spanning tree with minimum cost to solve the problem discussed at the start of the page.

Now to create or find a minimum cost spanning tree, there are two algorithms, - Prim's algorithm - Kruskal's Algorithm

Prim's Algorithm


  1. Consider two sets \(TE\) and \(TV,\) representing tree edges in MCST and tree vertices in MCST respectively.
  2. Initially, \(TV=TE=\phi\)
  3. Suppose we find an edge \(e\) with the lowest weight in the entire graph and it connects edges \(i\) and \(j.\)
  4. Now \(TV\) becomes \(\{i,j\}\) and \(TE\) becomes \(\{e\}\)
  5. Now find an edge \(t\) connecting vertices \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) such that it has the minimum weight and \(v_1\in TV\) and \(v_2 \notin TV.\)
  6. Now add \(v_2\) in \(TV\) and \(t\) in \(TE.\)
  7. Repeat steps \(5\) and \(6\) for \(n-2\) times


Basic Implementation

def Primsalgorithm(adjList):
    visited = {k: False for k in adjList}
    distance = {k: float('inf') for k in adjList}
    tree = []

    visited[0] = True

    for vertex, dist in adjList[0]:
        distance[vertex] = dist

    for i in adjList:
        mindist = float('inf')
        nextv = None

        for ver, dist in adjList[i]:
            if (visited[i]) and (not visited[ver]) and (dist < mindist):
                mindist = dist
                nexte = (i, ver)
                nextv = ver

        if not nextv:

        visited[nextv] = True

        for ver, dist in adjList[nextv]:
            if not visited[ver]:
                distance[ver] = min(distance[ver], dist)

    return tree

A Better Approach

def Primsalgorithm(adjList):
    visited, distance = {}, {}
    neighbour = {}

    for k in adjList:
        visited[k] = False
        distance[k] = float('inf')
        neighbour[k] = -1

    visited[0] = True
    for ver, dis in adjList[0]:
        distance[ver] = dis
        neighbour[ver] = 0

    for i in range(1, len(adjList)):
        nextd = min([distance[v] for v in adjList if not visited[v]])

        next_vertex_list = [v for v in adjList if (not visited[v]) and (nextd == distance[v])]

        if not next_vertex_list:

        next_vertex = min(next_vertex_list)
        visited[next_vertex] = True

        for ver, dis in adjList[next_vertex]:
            if not visited[ver]:
                distance[ver] = min(distance[ver], dis)
                neighbour[ver] = next_vertex

    return neighbour

Time Complexity

Basic Implementation

The time complexity of the basic implementation is \(O(n^3)\)

Approach inspired by Djikstra's Algorithm

The second approach is inspired by the Djikstra's Algorithm.

This implementation has the time complexity of \(O(n^2)\) similar to that of Djikstra's Algorithm

Kruskal's Algorithm


  1. Consider \(n\) component, i.e., \(n\) vertices.
  2. After ordering the edges in ascending order, pick the smallest edge and add it in the tree, if it does not forms a cycle.
  3. Repeat steps \(1\) and \(2\) untill you found \(n-1\) edge.


Naive Implementation

def KruskalsAlgorithm(adjList):
    component = {k: k for k in adjList}
    tree = []
    edges = []
    for i in adjList:
        for ver, dis in adjList[i]:
            edges.extend([(i, ver, dis)])

    edges = list(sorted(edges, key=lambda edge: edge[2]))

    for source, dest, dis in edges:
        if component[source] != component[dest]:
            tree.append((source, dest))
            c = component[source]
            for v in adjList:
                if component[v] == c:
                    component[v] = component[dest]

Using UnionFind Data Structure

Assume UnionFind has be defined in the code written below:

def KruskalsAlgorithm(adjList):
    components = UnionFind()
    tree = []
    edges = []
    for i in adjList:
        for ver, dis in adjList[i]:
            edges.extend([(i, ver, dis)])

    edges = list(sorted(edges, key=lambda edge: edge[2]))

    for source, dest, dis in edges:
        if component.find(source) != component.find(dest):
            tree.append((source, dest))
            component.union(component.find(source), component.find(dest))

Time Complexity

Basic Implementation

The current implementation has the time complexity of \(O(n^2)\)

Using Union Find Data Structure

The overall time complexity is $O((m+n)\log(n)), $ where \(m\) is the number of edges which is atmost \(n^2\) so time complexity becomes \(O(n \log (n))\)