Complex Matrices
The matrices with the elements coming from the complex number system are known as Complex Matrices.
Inner product of Complex Vectors
Recall, in \(\R^n,\) \(x.y=x^Ty.\)
But in \(\mathbb{C},\) we cannot use the same definition.
So we define the inner product as \(x.y=\bar{x}^Ty\)
Length of a complex vector
Recall, in \(\R^n,\) \(||x||^2=x^Tx.\)
But in \(\mathbb{C}^n,\) we cannot use the same definition.
So we define the length as \(||x||^2=\bar{x}^Tx\)
Conjugate Transpose (\(A^*\))
For a complex matrix \(A\), the conjugate transpose \(A^*\) is defined as