Multivariate Calculus
Let a function \(f\) be defined as \(f:\R^d\to\R\). This will be used to reference each multivariate function described in this article.
- A line in \(\R^d\) is a subset of \(\R^d\)
- A line through point \(u\in\R^d\) along the vector \(x\in\R^d\) is given by \(\{x\in\R^d: x= u +\alpha v, \alpha\in\R\}\)
- A line through two points \(u,u'\in\R^d\) is given by \(\{x\in\R^d:x=u+\alpha(u-u'), \alpha\in\R\}\)
Hyper Plane
- A hyperplane of \(d-1\) dimensions \(\subseteq R^d\).
- A hyperplane perpendicular to a vector \(w\in\R^d\) with a value \(b\in\R\) is given by \(\{x\in\R^d:w^Tx=b\} = \{x\in\R^d:\sum_{i=1}^dw_ix_i=b\}\)
Partial Derivatives
The partial derivative of \(f\) is defined as the derivative of \(f\) with respect to one of the variables, keeping the other variables constant, i.e.,
$$ \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}(v) = lim_{\alpha\to{0}}\cfrac{f(v+\alpha e_i)-f(v)}{\alpha} $$ Here \(e_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) unit vector in \(\R^d\)
Let \(f:\R^d\to\R\) and \(f=1x_1+2x_2+\dots nx_n\)
Then the partial derivative of \(f\) - with respect to the variable \(x_1\) is $$ \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_1} = 1 $$ - with respect to the variable \(x_2\) is $$ \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_2} = 2 \\ \\vdots $$ and so on
Let \(f:\R^d\to\R\) be defined.
Then \(\cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \begin{bmatrix}\cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_1},\cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_2}, \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_3}, \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_4}, \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_5}, \dots, \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_d}, \end{bmatrix}\)
Hence the gradient is equal to \([\cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x}]^T\) , i.e., $$ \cfrac{\triangledown f}{\triangledown x} = \begin{bmatrix} \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}\\ \ \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_2}\ \ \ \vdots\\ \\ \cfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_n} \end{bmatrix} $$
Linear Approximations and Gradients
Let \(f\) be a function defined from \(\R^d\to\R\)
Then the linear approximation of \(f\) at a vector \(v\in\R^d\) is given by,
Gradients and Tangent Planes
The graph of \(L_v[f]\) is a plane that is tangent to the graph of \(f\) at the point \((v, f(v))\)
Gradients and Contours
The gradient of \(f\) evaluated at \(v\) is \(\perp\) to the level set of \(f.\) Mathematically,
{x\in\R^d:f(x)=f(v)}\newline \ \newline \rightarrow{x\in\R^d:L_vf=f(v)}\newline \ \newline \rightarrow{x\in\R^d:f(v)+\triangledown f(v)^T(x-v)=f(v)}\newline \ \newline
\rightarrow {x\in\R^d:\triangledown f(v)^Tx=\triangledown f(v)^Tv}\newline \ \newline \text{Comparing with } {x\in\R^d:W^Tx=b}, \text{where W is }\perp\text{to the plane}\newline\ \newline \therefore \triangledown f(v) \perp {x\in\R^d:L_vf=f(v)} $$
Directional Derivative
The directional derivative of the function \(f\) at the point \(v\) along the direction of \(u\) is given by,
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
Let \(a,b\in\R^d\). Then the equality states that
Points to Note
- \(-||a||.||b|| = a^Tb\), if and only if, \(a=\alpha b\) and \(a<0\)
- \(||a||.||b|| = a^Tb\), if and only if, \(a=\alpha b\) and \(a>0\)
Direction of steepest ascent
For a function \(f\), the direction of a unit vector \(u\) such that it maximises the directional derivative of \(f\) along \(u\) is \(u=\triangledown f(v)\), i.e., for steepest ascent \(u\) should be in direction of \(\triangledown f\)
Direction of steepest descent
For a function \(f\), the direction of a unit vector \(u\) such that it minimises the directional derivative of \(f\) along \(u\) is \(u=-\triangledown f(v)\), i.e., for steepest descent \(u\) should be in direction opposite to \(\triangledown f\)