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Introduction to DBMS

Levels of Abstraction

  • Physical Level: Describes how a record is stored on the electronic disk.
  • Logical Level: Describes how data is stored in a database, and relations among the data fields. (For Programmers and Database Engineers)
  • View Level: Application programs hide details of datatype and also some information for security systems.(For end-user)

//TODO: Image Fig(1.1) Page 34

Schema And Instance

Schema is the way data will be organised and Instance is the actual data. We can consider Schema to be the datatype of variable and Instance to be the value of variable.

Types of schema

  • Logical Schema: The overall logical structure of the database.
  • Physical Schema: The overall physical structure of the database.

What is an "Instance"?

  • The actual content of the database at an instant.
  • Similar to the value of the variable.

Physical Data Independence

The ability to modify the physical schema without changing the logical schema is called Physical Data Independence.

  • Similar to independence of Interface and Implementation in Object-Oriented Systems.
  • Applications depend on the logical schema.
  • Interfaces should be well defined so that changes in some parts do not seriously affect others.

Data Models

A Data Model is a collection of tools to work and manipulate data, such as, data relationships, data semantics and data constraints.

There are various kinds of models:

  • Relational Models (Main focus for this course)
  • Entity-Relationship Data Models
  • Network Models
  • Object based Data Models

Relational Model

  • All data is stored in table.
  • //TODO: Fig 1.2 p-2 Pg-40

Data Definition Language (DDL)

  • DDL is used for defining the database schema.
  • DDL compiler creates a set a of table templates and stores it under Data Dictionary.
  • Data Dictionary contains metadata, i.e., data about data

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Used for accessing and manipulating data in the database. DML is also known as Query Language.

There are two types of DMLs:

Pure Languages

This languages are used for proving properties about computational power and for optimisation.

There are three sub sections for the pure languages:

  • Relational Algebra
  • Tuple Relational Calculus
  • Domain related Calculus

Commercial Languages

Mainly used in commercial systems hence named Commercial Languages.

  • SQL is an example of widely used commercial language.


The most widely used commercial DML.

  • SQL is embedded to be used with another high-level language to solve complex problems

Applications created generally access database through some language extensions or some APIs.

Database Design

There are two major types of design:

Logical Design

Talks about the logical layout of the database.

Depends on:

  • Business decision: What attributes need to be recorded in the database.
  • Computer Science decision: What relation schemas are required within the database.

Physical Design

Talks about the physical layout of the database.

Design Approaches

The methodology used to ensure that each relationship in database is good.

This is achieved by two methods:

  • Entity-Relationship Model
  • Normalization Theory

Relational Model

It only contains flat, atomic values, i.e., it cannot contain values as any composite data.

Object-Relational Data Model

  • It extends the Relational Model using object oriented paradigm with added datatypes
  • Attributes can have composite data types
  • Provide upward compatibility with existing relational languages

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

  • Originally a markup language developed by WWW Consortium
  • It had the ability to specify new tags, and created nested TAG structure.
  • These features made it the basis for all new generation data interchange format

Database Engine

It is basically composed of three main components:

  • Storage Manager
  • Query Processing
  • Transaction Manager

Storage Manager

It is a program module that provides the interface between the low level data stored in the database and the application programs and queries submitted to the system.

The main functions of the Storage Manager are the:

  • It interacts with the OS file manager.
  • It efficiently stores, retrieves and updates data.

Query Processing

flowchart TB
A[Query] --> B{Parser and \n translator}
B --> C(Relational-Algebra Expression)
C --> D{Optimiser}
D --> E(Execution Plan)
E --> F{Evaluation Engine}
F -->|Data| G(Query Output)
H((Statistics About \nData)) --> D

Transaction Manager